Printing +tax (specialty paper additional)
Black and White
0-99 .20 .45
100-499 .17 .40
500-999 .15 .35
1000-2499 .12 .25
2500+ call for pricing
Faxing-send or receive $1.00 per page
Design services $20/hr
Custom Printing, Business Cards, Brochures-call or come in for pricing
What is this place?
This is a shared office space for entrepreneurs or businesses looking for an office space or desk but aren’t exactly interested in buying a whole building. Maybe they are looking for something for a week, a day or several years. It is available to rent for any of those scenarios.
The benefit of working out of a shared space is that everything is provided for you such as internet, desk, chair, copier, fax machine, professional setting and a conference room that is available to have for private meetings with clients or groups. It is a way to establish yourself as a business without investing tons of money up front for office space. Sharing a space can also allow for cross-pollination in that the other tenants have visitors and customers that may be interested in what you are offering. It can also allow for the collaboration with other businesses on projects and growth.
This is the first “known” rural business hub in the state and perhaps the country. We’re still looking for one that is out there! Mostly, these types of business hubs are in more urban areas but we recognized a need for it here in our community. More and more small businesses are developing out of homes, farms and side gigs. Pocahontas County citizens are an industrious group and people get creative about how to make a living and live where they want to live. This business hub is a great place to help businesses get established and grow.
Right now, our space houses the Pocahontas County Chamber of Commerce and a Psychological Practice called MindEase Solutions. We are also working with WV Hive which is a Small Business Incubation & Acceleration initiative for Southern West Virginia. Their mission at the WV Hive is to connect entrepreneurs with the resources and expertise they need to grow successful companies right here in the Mountain State.
WV Hive is helping us to establish our name “Almost Local Business Hub” by providing resources for us to develop our logo and website presence.
You will see us change and grow in the next year as we work to renovate the front of the building and signage. We will also work to adjust the interior to meet the needs of our business partners. We are open to all ideas, suggestions, and participation as we move forward to establish this necessary part of our business community.
The phone number for Almost Local Business Hub is 304-992-7355. The building and business owners are Angela Hoffman and Tracy Samples.